Sunday, June 15, 2014

Navigation: Not my Strength

Well family and friends,
 Here are some things that happened this week...
 -Last preparation day, I got to go to the Post and Tele museum! That was so fun! :) It was a free museum all about the postal service (not the band... ha ha) and communication throughout the years here in Denmark. We only got to stay for about 20 minutes, but boy was it a blast! I love hands on educational museums!
 -We reorganized all the microfilm for the Family History Center in our church building so they can now all be in numerical order
-We were served a couple shifts of staying at the church and welcoming all who wanted to come looks at an exhibit on display in the church building in celebration for the 10 year anniversary of the Denmark Copenhagen temple for the church. We welcomed members and non members to come learn about the history of the church in Denmark. They also had a video running answering common questions with short films about temples. In another room, we had a 20 minute video running about the purpose of a temple and why we love them (this one was in English with Danish subtitles).
 Will there be a 10 year anniversary for the San Antonio temple? I sure hope so :)
 -We went on exchanges (as always, right?). This time I was here for them. Oh man, I was completely lost! Ha ha. I've only been in this area about 4 weeks... Navigation is not my strength... not going to lie, I miss having a GPS! Anyway, switched plans like 5 times, took some wrong buses and trains, but eventually when we were on our bikes (and were lost), a less active stopped us. We didn't know here, but she helped us find our way! How neat, huh? So it seemed that was all part of the plan.
 -We met with one of our investigators this week and actually talked to her about the importance of temples. We read 1 Peter 4:6 and 1 Cor 15:29. She read them in her native language and then sat there silent for about 5 minutes. It made sense to her that if baptism was a saving ordinance that those who did not have the chance to hear about the plan of salvation in this life must have the opportunity sometime to be baptised by someone holding the authority of God.
 We should find out about transfers today. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here and Sister Peterson will be leaving, but we have no clue where she will go or WHO my new companion will be. We'll see. Love you all so much!
Happy Memorial Day in the U.S.!
Love always,
Søster Kelly Orgill

P.S. We just got transfer calls! Sister Packard will be my new companion. Sister Pearson trained her. I've been on exchanges with her before. She is an excellent missionary, so this will be great :)

P.S. I also fell off my bike twice this week, once with my feet Falling in a mud puddle. It was way awkward at the 2 appointments we had after that... I had to hide it and wash my feet and shoes in their sink.

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