Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Miracles Can Happen... Even if You Only Have 3 Minutes to Spare!

Familiar og venner!

Sorry, this email is going to be really short, but I sent pics to my mom so that should cover us for the week :)? Ha ha

Things went really well this week:

-We had 5 appointments fall through, but met some great people
-At 8:57pm last night, I saw a man, felt we needed to go bike and talk to him. Turns out that we had contacted him before (thankfully Sister Packard remembered his name) #compunity and he says he wants us to come on Saturday so that he can ask us a bunch of questions he has had about the Book of Mormon! :) He said he started reading it and has been trying to ask his friends about it, but then didn't really know anything.
-This week, the majority of Danes celebrated Sankt Hans Aften... they burn a fake witch on the day of the year with the most sunlight

Life's going well. Miracles are happening here. I know Heavenly Father is watching over you and me.

Søster Orgill

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