Monday, October 28, 2013


Kære familier og Venner,

Things are going well in Roskilde, we are still trying to set things
up, meet people and learn how to use the bus system here. Our ward is
huge! It is the biggest in Denmark and the members are really excited
because the last time they had sisters serving in the ward was 10
years ago.

The ward mission leader has asked that the missionaries join the ward
in playing soccer each week and to invite investigators for easy
fellowship. It's kind of funny because Sister Peterson and I are the
only girls that come. My goal is to be more confident in soccer by the
time I leave here, luckly Sister Peterson helped explain the rules to
me and gave me pointers even while she was on the other team.

We live in the basement of a really nice lady her in Roskilde. She has
an apple tree that she lets us pluck apples from. What does that mean,
we can cook tons of things with apples, too. Way, fun! I love it!
Maybe we can even make something to bring to less active with apples

We had so many miracles last week, but I will just share one today.

We were looking for a member's apartment because we were supposed to
meet with her so she could give us a map of Roskilde, etc. We were on
the right street, but kept looking everywhere for her apartment number
and could not find it anywhere! We asked like 3 people for directions
and they all gave us obsure directions... bascially, no one knew where
it was. Ha ha. So then, we saw a lady walking just up the street from
us and we decided to ask her. We ran up to catch up with where she was
and asked for directions in Danish. She looked slightly creeped out/
surprised so we tried to explain that we just needed to figure out
where an apartment is. Then she said, "no, you don't understand... I
grew up Mormon." It was amazing! It turns out that she had just
recently moved, but hasn't been to church in a long time. She invited
us to come over sometime and gave us her name and address! Way neat!
We are excited to meet with her and felt so blessed to be a part of
the Lord's plan.

I love my companion. Sister Peterson is awesome! I feel like I am
growing so much this transfer. We made a goal to try and only speak
Danish from now on because we really want to try and improve. The
thing we are going to focus on as a companionship is to act on all
promptings we receive. What I love most about our companionship is
that we are always trying to serve each other. We take turns making
each others bed, doing each other's dishes (without the other
noticing), just random acts of kindness. Life is so much better when
you can make others happy and they can also receive more joy when you
take the time to let them serve/help you as well.

I hope all is well where ever you are! I love you all so much!


Søster Orgill

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