Monday, February 10, 2014

Pão de queijo og Guaraná

One thing I love about Denmark is that there are people who move here
from all over the world. Therefore, Denmark is rich in fun culture,
i.e. food! :) We have a lady in our ward who is from Brazil! I told
her that I had tried the cheese bread before when I was about 9 years
old and guess what! She made it this week and also bought Guaraná soda
to go with it. It was way good. She was way nervous it was not going
to turn out very authentic, but then she tried it and said it tasted
just like it does in Brazil! And it was delicious! So fun :)

This week went really well. We made missionary goals for the ward with
our ward mission leader. We're really excited to start working on

We got to go to a baptism in Odense this week of a lady that Søster
Hall taught. It was really great. The lady's whole family came. How
great it was to have them their with her. We hope that they will be
open to learning more, so they can have an even stronger bond as a

We also made carmel popcorn this week and took some to those who don't
come to church very often. Most of them had never tried carmel popcorn
before, so it was a great ice breaker :)

One evening, we realized we had misread the bus schedule and showed up
for a bus that was not running 4 times an hour, only twice an hour. We
realized if we waited 30 minutes for the next bus, we could not be
very productive because it was already 7:00pm and by the time we ended
up to where we wanted to be, we'd have to start heading back pretty
soon. So, we quickly thought of an alternative plan and it turned out
even better. They family was home and it was a productive visit. I had
been a little worried before, but I'm so grateful that it worked out.
I should have guessed it though. The Lord's plan always turns out
better than our own and everything always happens for a reason.

I can't remember if I have said this before, but check out
It is really neat to see all the videos on there. Very inspirational.
One of my favorite videos is Brandon Flowers, the lead singer for the
band, The Killers.

Love you all so much!

Med kærligste hilsener,

Søster Orgill

P.S. My camera unfortunately broke. I don't even know how. We had a
waiter take a picture of us after the baptism on Saturday and then I
put it back in my case. When I took it out last night, it made a weird
noise and the lens would not open, so I may not have pictures the next

two or three weeks. Just a heads up :)

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